So this week in S.U.P.P.O.R.T Group, (a group for ladies who are going after their dreams) our topic is, “Just Do It,” which is most famously known as the slogan of Nike. Nike never really elaborates in its advertisements about what exactly “Just Do It” means; I think that is the point. The company leaves it up to the person to decide what their “It” is. The importance of the slogan doesn’t lie with “it” but with “just do.”
I think this is so fitting for S.U.P.P.O.R.T. Group(SG),
being that we are an eclectic group of ladies striving for our dreams, in many
different areas. SG is a place for ladies who have an “it” that they are
currently just doing, just starting, or just thinking about it. It doesn’t matter
what stage you are on, the important part is that you “just do.” Get started!
Yes, you might fall a few times. Perfection, if it ever comes, does not come at
first. It takes time and perseverance. The most important step is the first
Someone told me something today that truly rocked me. I was
chatting with one of our awesome content writers and she said, “You have such a
huge vision.” Now, different people could take that statement in different
ways. When she said it to me, it made me think and I took a second to reflect
on what I am doing with SG. The idea came from one of many conversations with
some of my sisters in Christ, who all have dreams and visions, and we would
discuss “doing it one day.” As time went on, we began to gravitate toward each
other we became a small “support group” for each other. After all, “Iron
sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17). Then, God impressed upon me that we weren’t
the only ladies out there who He had given a vision and a dream to and if we
rally ourselves together, we could push each other forward and then reach the
world. So, I began writing what poured out of my heart for SG. When I was done,
I saved it on my computer and left it for months. I had the vision typed out
and I just let it sit. Finally in August of 2011, I got that “Just Do It”
attitude one Saturday morning and decided to just put it out there and see what
happens… and S.U.P.P.O.R.T Group was born.
Our veteran ladies will remember the group started strong
and then fell off for a while. I believe that was greatly due to me being
overwhelmed, trying to do it alone. I had a lot going on in my personal life
and I let what SG could be one day
cloud what was happening in the group here and now. The vision step by step, I lost focus and was
crushed under the weight and had to pull all the way back. Despite how I was
feeling, I couldn’t let it die. SG was a vision God gave to me and I knew if He
gave it to me, He would sustain it. So, I had to “Just Do It”… again. This time is different. I am not trying to
float this boat myself. Instead, I am reaching out and embracing the many gifts
and talents of ladies in the group. I am excited as more ladies pour in. We unify
and conquer. Sometimes a vision is not for you to carry alone. This is the case
most of the time. Yes, God may have given it to you, but you are just the
messenger. Share it while using discernment when you do. Just because you are
“doing it” doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. And this is a reason I love SG.
We might not be able to help with the everyday tasks of going after your
dreams, but we can support the mess out of your dream!!
So, don’t be afraid to get out there and “Just Do It!” Yes, sometimes we fail, mess up and have to try again, but
you are not alone as you go. S.U.P.P.O.R.T Group ladies are here to encourage
you along your journey.
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